For over 100 years since our foundation in 1917, we have been engaged in manufacture of valves as our main item, which are necessary for water control absolutely.

Our assets are trust and achievements we have built through our strives to provide customers with the best products and services that support society, industry, and people’s lives.

We hope to contribute to various infrastructure with the high-quality and long-life valves cultivated over our long history to match the growing world demand for advanced infrastructure, including water field, which is conscious of life cycle costs, as well as the domestic water infrastructure market.

Welcome for any inquiries or questions on valves.

President Chief Executive Officer
Rei Takahashi

We contribute to society by creating products that gain customers’ satisfaction and trust with quality, price, and delivery time.

We will become a group having world-leading technologies and skills in valves.

Company name Morita Iron Works Co., Ltd.
Company establishment December 1943
[Company Foundation : October 1917]
Board of directors

President Chief Executive Officer : Rei Takahashi
Managing Director :Makoto Nagasawa
Director:Kazushi Okumura
Director:Nobuyoshi Tsukada
Auditor :Kiyoshi Oyama
Head office Oaza-kamiyoshiba 2100-33, Satte city, Saitama 340-0121, Japan
TEL :+81-480-48-0891 (Representative)
FAX :+81-480-48-0137
Capital Japanese Yen73,500,000.
Bank information Head Office : Saitama Resona Bank, Ltd. Kawaguchi Branch
Fiscal year End of March
Number of employee 194(As of April 1, 2024)
Sales and activity items Manufacture, Sales and Installation of the Valves and Sluice Gate for Treated water, Sewage, Agricultural water, River flood control and Industrial use
Permissions and registrations Permission from Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Construction License (Special-27) No. 005100
Permission from Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Construction License (General-27) No. 005100
Authorized factory of Japan Water Works Association Authentication No. B-6
ISO Certificate UKAS ISO 9001:2015 Certificate No. JP98/014991
Belonging organizations Japan Water Works Association
Federation of Japan Water Industries, Inc.
Japan Sewage Works Association
Japan Small Scale Water Association
Japan Valve Manufacturers’ Association
Japan Water Valve Association
Japan Water Research Inc.